The rates of diabetes by race/ethnic background

There are diseases like that diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, stroke, glaucoma that manifest in the human retina.

Diabetic Retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that affects the eyes. The rates of diagnosed diabetes by race/ethnic background are below:

7.6% of non-Hispanic whites
9.0% of Asian Americans
12.8% of Hispanics
13.2% of non-Hispanic blacks
15.9% of American Indians/Alaskan Natives

The breakdown among Asian Americans:
4.4% for Chinese
11.3% for Filipinos
13.0 for Asian Indians
8.8% for other Asian Americans.

The breakdown among Hispanic adults:
8.5% for Central and South Americans
9.3% for Cubans
13.9% for Mexican Americans
14.8% for Puerto Ricans.

Diabetic eye screening is a fairly simple process and most patients will have it incorporated into their usual routine eye exams.

EyeCheckup – early diagnosis includes hybrid deep learning algorithms to detect disease symptoms in two different images (macula centered, ONH centered) from both eyes and determine the level of diabetic retinopathy that manifest in the human retina according to accepted clinical scales.


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