EyeCheckup diagnoses eye, heart, and kidney diseases using artificial intelligence.
EyeCheckup is a revolutionary artificial intelligence tool that uses fundus images of patients to detect any anomalies in the eye, make a diagnosis of retinal diseases, chronic kidney disease (CKD), cardiovascular disease (CVD), and refer them to a specialist for treatment. EyeCheckup makes diagnosis easier by identifying retinal abnormalities in 20 various diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal vein occlusion, and hypertensive retinopathy.
Diabetic Retinopathy
EyeCheckup diagnoses more than mild Diabetic Retinopathy, vision-threatening Diabetic Retinopathy, and Macular Edema suspect (CSDME) using color fundus images and OCT scans.
Article published in the Nature Eye magazine. Evaluated at Moorfields Eye Hospital on 100,000 diabetes patients.
EyeCheckup can detect moderate Glaucoma Suspect and Severe Glaucoma suspect using color fundus images. It is the only AI compared against full clinical glaucoma diagnosis (article pending).
Age-related Macular Degeneration
EyeCheckup diagnoses dry and wet Age-related Macular Degeneration (ARMD), non-referable ARMD, and referable ARMD including Geographic Atrophy (GA) using color fundus images and OCT scans.
Optic Coherence Tomography (OCT) evaluation
EyeCheckup detects 11 different anomalies in OCT scans and can be used for screening, diagnosis, and training for retinal diseases.

EyeCheckup is the only Artificial Intelligence software developed in Europe which has been extensively validated in multiple prospective clinical trials.
EyeCheckup achieved 96% accuracy and across 3 different cameras including a handheld camera.
EyeCheckup can diagnose 5 different diseases with high accuracy as well as accurately label related anomalies on fundus images.
How Can EyeCheckup Help?
The EyeCheckup provides eye screening without the need for expert doctor opinion or the use of eye drops.
EyeCheckup automatically detects, grades, labels and enables reporting without an expert opinion of more than 20 eye disease pathologies including diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, retinal vein occlusion and pathologicial myopia which are the most common eye problems in the patients captured images.

How Does EyeCheckup Work?
EyeCheckup works by using hybrid deep learning algorithms to detect disease symptoms in two different images (macula centered, ONH centered) from both eyes and determines the level of the disease according to acceptable clinical standarts.
EyeCheckup is a reliable and affordable artificial intelligence (AI) eye screening system.
EyeCheckup detects more than 20 diseases pathologies, unlike similar systems, which can only detect one disease.
What Does EyeCheckup Do?
Using a non-mydriatic fundus camera integrated with EyeCheckup, it analyzes the patients retinal fundus images individually and displays analysis results with anomalies marked on each image within 3 seconds.
Invalid images are going to be able to detect (clipped, fluo, overexposed, too dark, eye closed), notify the GUI in time so invalid images can be re-taken within 5 seconds per image.

What Does EyeCheckup Do?
Using a non-mydriatic fundus camera integrated with EyeCheckup, it analyzes the patients retinal fundus images individually and displays analysis results with anomalies marked on each image within 3 seconds. Invalid images are going to be able to detect (clipped, fluo, overexposed, too dark, eye closed), notify the GUI in time so invalid images can be re-taken within 5 seconds per image.
EyeCheckup Fundus Analisis Report

EyeCheckup OCT Screening Report

Using a non-mydriatic fundus camera integrated with EyeCheckup, it analyzes the patients retinal fundus images individually and displays analysis results with anomalies marked on each image within 3 seconds. Invalid images are going to be able to detect (clipped, fluo, overexposed, too dark, eye closed), notify the GUI in time so invalid images can be re-taken within 5 seconds per image.
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+90 (543) 722 22 10
Hacı Adil Cad. No: 18 34330 3. Levent Beşiktaş – İSTANBUL / TÜRKİYE
“This product has been developed with the support of TÜBİTAK-TEYDEB Support Program (Project No: 7220438). However, all responsibilities regarding the product/service belong to URAL TELEKOMÜNİKASYON SAN. TİC. A.Ş.”